How to Make the Most of Business Technology in 2020
Business technology was already making headlines and stealing the limelightin dozens of sectors before the COVID-19 pandemic struck; now, it is essentialfor the survival of many businesses. With uncertain times ahead, and secondwaves of the illness now likely to threaten countries across the world, now isthe time to take a comprehensive look at your technology solutions. In thisarticle, you’ll learn about your tech priorities for 2020 – and what you shouldfocus on to enhance your business this year.
Remote Working
There are hundreds of programs and software packages to help businessesdeal with the work-from-home trend that COVID-19 has brought into sharp focus.With more people working remotely than ever before and getting used to doingtheir daily work from their home, it’s clear that getting your workers onto theright technology systems will help streamline their efforts and centralizetheir workflows. You need to be looking out for the best solutions available to help yourteam:
— Communicate digitally
— Collaborate on documents remotely
— Mark off tasks as completed
— Make plans in a collective environment
— Measure productivity remotely
If you’re able to achieve all of this with centralized and comprehensivesuites of technology – like Google’s Suite – then you’ll be making the most ofthe remote working revolution.
Security and DataProtection
Another huge arm of your technology portfolio ought to be cybersecurity,which helps you to protect your core systems and your core data from breachesand malware. In this uncertain time, the last thing your business needs is tosuffer from a massive data loss, or from a system failure that leaves all youremployees without a way to work from home. Specialist remote security andinfrastructure support company Kortek Solutions can help you with ITissues and data protection, providing powerful protection when you need it themost.
While this is a time during which your workers are more important than everto keep your business running, it’s also a moment to consider how to replacethem. With the drive to automation all but guaranteed in the next ten to twentyyears, you need to find ways to make your own business future-ready, by automating the following systemsthrough technology:
— Simple filing and document ordering
— Order keying and processing
— Simple customer service communications
— Payroll and HR processes
With much more that you can automate, too, this is a time to read up on thebest new technologies to save your workers time and to redeploy valuable workersinto more exciting and human-centric roles.
Trends and Updates
When you onboard a large and overarching technology suite for yourbusiness, you’ll find that it’s a fairly arduous process to get all of yourstaff working well with a new program. As such, changing programs regularly isnot advisable – but if you can follow trends and important tech updates, you’llbe far better placed to respond to the challenges of modern business in thefuture.
Use the tips above to help you plan the future of your IT strategy for this new and challenging decade.
Further reading: A Guide To Setting Up A Home Office
And more importantly: Working from home with a dog