How to Innovate Your Startup

By Guest Author | September 26, 2019

Many people – investors and candidates for employment – are drawn to startups because they aren’t hampered by corporate hierarchy or blind commitment to traditional business strategy.

Innovation is crucial for any business in terms of long-term success, but it’s arguably even more essential for a startup. Fresh thinking and new ideas can transform an industry and carve a niche for a business which competitors simply can’t match. However, innovation for the sake of innovation is a risky strategy which can cause problems when not managed correctly. This article looks at how startups can nurture and support innovation to take their business’ prospects to the next level.

Prioritize research and development

Creating a new product, service or brand for which there is no demand is a recipe for business disaster. To avoid this, it’s crucial that a startup business invests time and energy into putting in as much research, evaluation and development as possible. It needs to be detailed to ensure that you understand your industry, your competitors and, crucially, what consumers want.

You can then tailor your innovation to meet demand and/or a gap in the market.

Invest in technology

Many startups shy away from investing too heavily in technology in the early days, but in some instances, it can make a significant difference in terms of efficiency and productivity. This could be technology which improves communication such as Microsoft Teams, and software which streamlines your processes, but you should always compare several options before making your final decision.

For advice on the IT and software needs of your business, you may want to contact a specialist in software licensing solutions such as Bytes.

Be objective about your ideas

All too often we can fall in love with our own ideas and quickly lose objectivity. This can result in investment in an idea which, although may have some merit, is not the best course of action in terms of profitability. Try to maintain a professional distance from your ideas and be as critical as you can before committing too much time or money.

Evidence the success of your ideas

Many startups rely on investors to give their business the financial kickstart it needs, but just because you’ve come up with a great idea does not mean that an investor will part with their cash. An investor will want to see evidence that your product or service is financially viable and this requires a solid business plan with market research and successful testing.

Perfect your pitching skills

Again, your idea may be incredible, but if you can’t communicate this to investors or potential resellers you will hit a hurdle early in the process. The best way to learn how to make an effective sales pitch is to practice. You can do this with others in your team as well as people with no prior knowledge of the idea so you know you are getting your key points across clearly.

Nurture a company culture of innovation

To create an innovative startup, you need to promote and nurture innovation and creativity in the workplace. Make sure your employees and colleagues are given the opportunity to share their ideas and that they receive either constructive criticism or praise for their efforts.

You may want to set aside time each week for innovation such as a team brainstorming session to ensure that it doesn’t get pushed to the bottom of a to-do list or, worse, become a stressful task that has to be completed to a deadline.