How to Determine Your Customers’ Pain Points For Inbound Marketing

By Guest Author | marketing strategy | September 8, 2020

When you are implementing an inbound marketing strategy, you are going to need to have plenty of content. It is this content that informs everything, and without good quality, informative, interesting content, you won’t have any inbound marketing at all.

One of the elements of your inbound marketing content should be attempting to solve your customers’ pain points. If they are having problems with something in their lives and your products or services can solve those problems and help them overcome challenges, they need to be made aware of it. Including their pain points within your blog or social media, a post will make prospects feel part of your team already, and they will appreciate what you are doing to help them, and your sales should increase.

The question then must be, how can you determine which pain points need addressing? Read on to find out.

Ask Them

One of the simplest (yet most ignored, probably because it seems just too obvious) ways to find out what your customers’ pain points are is to ask them. This is the most direct route, and it will give you the clearest answers, assuming customers are willing to tell you what their main issues are.

If you are going to have any chance of solving these issues through your inbound marketing, about which more information can be found at, you are going to have to discover what the pain points are, and if you cannot ask your actual customers directly (perhaps because it is a sensitive matter or there is no time during a transaction), then carrying out market research is the next best thing. Ask those who are identified as your target market what their main issues are, and then determine how you can help them using whatever it is your business sells.

Speak to Your Sales Team

If you have a sales team, gather them together and hold a meeting regularly. Find out what it is that people are objecting to, what are the pain points that your team are coming up against, and determine how they are dealing with these issues, assuming that they are.

By speaking to the whole team at once, you can have a good discussion about the kinds of problems people are having, and you will be able to use this information to good effect in your inbound marketing strategy by writing blog posts or creating videos that deal exactly with each issue.

Your team will feel valued, and your prospects will see that you are helping them with the exact issue they are currently having.

Look at Online Reviews

Online reviews are a great place to go to discover what it is that is frustrating your potential customers. To do this well, you should find a product or service that is similar to yours and look at what people are saying. Bad reviews will tell you a lot, particularly if those leaving the reviews are giving explicit details as to why they aren’t happy. Good reviews can be useful as well since they might also mention bad points, even if the overall experience was a positive one.

Now you know what the issue is with your competition’s products, you can address those issues and explain how your product will solve them within your inbound marketing.