How a Business Can Deal with Wastewater

By Guest Author | recycling | June 11, 2020

Wastewater is a byproduct that is produced in various different industries. While it’s something that no business wants to deal with, it has to be done. This is particularly the case in recent years, where there has been an increased effort to properly recycle waste.

Governments and environmental agencies across the world are cracking down on those who don’t properly dispose of their wastewater. In the UK last year, Southern Water was handed a whopping £126 million fine due to “serious failures” with its sewage treatment. With the ramifications clear for all to see, it’s essential your business treats and disposes of any produced wastewater.

Theonly question is: How do you actually deal with wastewater?

What is wastewater?

Actually, there is another question that needs answering. What exactly is wastewater, anyway?

In general, this is water that has been negatively affected and tainted due to human impact. This can happen in various different ways, ranging from agricultural to domestic activities.

It’s imperative that wastewater is dealt with in a responsible and safe manner. If this isn’t done, it can upset the environment’s natural balance. It also has the potential to spread diseases and pathogens to human life.

The treatment process

As you would expect, there are various necessary components required for properly treating wastewater. For example, something as seemingly small as liquid level float switches plays an essential part in the process. pH neutralization is one of the biggest parts of treating wastewater, and a float switch is used to accurately balance pH levels.

Of course, that is just one step in the process. There are eight general stages to wastewater processing.

Wastewater disposal

Once the wastewater has been treated, it then needs to be disposed of in an appropriate way. You have to follow local, state, and federal regulations with regards to disposal – otherwise, your business could end up in both legal and financial trouble.

Fortunately, there are various ways in how you can dispose of wastewater. In larger urban areas, the government will often take care of certain wastewater types – like sewage – with specialist wastewater treatment centres. Wastewater can also be treated with a septic tank, which is often the system of choice for businesses that are based in rural areas.

Recycling is an option

What’s this, you can actually recycle water? It might not be the most obvious in that regard when compared to the likes of plastic, paper, and aluminium, but yes – water can be recycled!

There are different wastewater types that are created through the treatment process. Take gray water as an example. While it’s not fit for human consumption, it can be reused by several different industries – such as agriculture, landscaping, and gardening.

By repurposing this wastewater, your business can benefit. Water, in itself, is a precious commodity. So when you recycle wastewater, you can save money by reintroducing it into your own business processes. You also have the option of selling the treated wastewater.