Building Brand Authority: The Long Game that Pays Off

By Guest Author | brand | October 30, 2019

When people trust your brand, they will be more likely to buy from you. They will spend more time interacting with you on social media, and they will be more likely to sign up for email marketing campaigns. Brand authority is an essential component of modern business management, and it can be heavily influenced by a variety of factors. Online brand authority can be hard work to get right, but when it is done well it can boost conversion rates and dramatically amplify all of your digital marketing strategies. If you’re looking for ways to give your brand more online authority, then you must develop a strategy that will have the most impact. Make sure that you are focusing on the following areas.

Use Content

Your content is your most valuable digital marketing resource. It can entice people to your pages and boost your brand authority. By using a blog to create content that highlights your thought leadership and industry knowledge, you make yourself more trustworthy and authoritative. If you lack the literary skills to create that authority content, then use content writing services that will prioritize brand authority, value, and SEO. Content is the number one way to boost your brand authority, but it can also be a vital component of your SEO development plan. The right content in the right place at the right time can encourage a sale, get someone to sign up for your email newsletter, or simply keep people on your webpages long enough to guide them to your shopping cart.

Show Your Credentials

If you have won any awards, then be proud of them and show them on your website, especially on your About Us pages. The more well-known and established the award, the more authority it will attract to your website. One of the alternative ways to show off any awards that you win is to share them on social media. While social media marketing is a challenging area to get right, a combination of the right content and the demonstrated excellence of your brand will be a winning combination that will vastly improve your brand authority.

Online Reviews

Never underestimate the value of customer reviews. Far too many brands either dismiss their importance or fail to make use of positive testimonials from happy clients. Don’t sit back and wait for those reviews. Develop a review strategy that encourages people to review your product and your customer service, and do this across a range of review platforms. Remember, even negative reviews can have value for the smart business owner, as they are a learning opportunity that, if managed in the right way, might transform the experience of the reviewer.

Brand authority is not something that is only reserved for those established, sector-dominating companies. The goal is to establish your business credentials and highlight your exemplary customer service and awareness of your industry. The more that you can persuade consumers that you know your business and that you have experience of delivering only the best in service, the more likely that they will trust you when it comes to handing over their payment details and their contact info. Brand authority can take time to develop, but it could be the key to a stronger online presence and a dramatic transformation of your bottom line.