What Are the Benefits of Working From Home?

By Guest Author | home working | June 19, 2022

None of us could have predicted the pandemic. It seemed to come out of nowhere and it forced us all into a completely new way of living.

Even today, many of us are living differently from how we did in the pre-pandemic world. The largest change that has come about in the last few years is the transition into remote working.

Although remote working has always been around, a record number of businesses are now operating completely remotely. Millions of employees are now working from home on a full-time basis and keeping in touch with their colleagues via online video platforms.

Are There Any Challenges With Remote Working?

Working from home can present a range of challenges. There is an increased risk of siloing where employees feel excluded and are less able to work collaboratively with the other team members in the company.

It can also be much harder for employees to create a sense of community and build a strong company culture when every employee is working from a different location. Employers can’t interact with their employees as easily and gathering feedback can be difficult.

What Are the Benefits of Working From Home?

If you have decided to let your employees work at home for the foreseeable future, you might be wondering how this is going to affect the success of your business. Despite the challenges that remote working brings, setting up a work from home arrangement in your business provides a wide range of benefits.

Whether you’re an employer or an employee, you can experience these benefits. As long as you have all of the essential home office equipment and you’re able to communicate with the rest of your team, you can work as well as you would in the office. 

Here are some of the benefits of working from home. 

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Nowadays, most employees are searching for work that provides them with flexibility. Working from home is one of the best ways to give your employees the chance of a better work-life balance.

Your employees can choose when to start and end their day, compared to when they’re in the office for a standard 9 to 5 work day. When your employees feel more in control over their schedules, they will feel empowered and engaged in their work.

With a more flexible schedule, employees can cater to their personal needs. Employees have more time to drop their kids off at school, go to hospital appointments, do their grocery shopping, or attend workout classes in the gym.

2. Happier and Healthier Workforce

Studies show that remote workers tend to be happier and more productive. This is likely because of the increased flexibility and reduced stress that comes along with working from the comfort of your own home.

When employees work at home, they don’t need to worry about commuting to an office every day and they have more time to do the things that they enjoy outside of work. They can participate in hobbies and personal interests, and they have more opportunities for socialization outside work. Social interaction can increase productivity at work.

Working from home can elevate mood and improve health outcomes, which can reduce absenteeism, illness, and work-related stress.

Employees have more time to focus on their physical health and they are less prone to mental health struggles because of work demands. This can have a positive impact on productivity, engagement, and business success.

3. No Commute

When employees can work remotely, they don’t need to worry about commuting to an office. They can relax in the comfort of their own home, saving time and energy.

On average, people spend around one hour traveling to and from work. Working from home save employees time at the start and end of their days, meaning they have more time to relax or socialize with their loved ones.

Eliminating a daily commute also reduces stress and anxiety. Employees can get up each morning and spend some time making a healthy breakfast and waking up properly before starting work, instead of jumping straight out to the car in a rush.

Commuting costs can accumulate over the course of the year. Remote working can save money because employees don’t need to drive to work and spend money on petrol or pay for public transport to reach the office.

4. Location Flexibility and Increased Work Opportunities

Employers and employees can work from a wider range of settings when they aren’t tied to a central office. If a worker decides to switch up the scenery, they can take their laptop to a coffee shop or head out into the garden to work in the sunshine.

There’s also an increased number of work opportunities when remote working is available. Employers can reach a wider range of candidates when they list work from home job posts online. Employers can apply to jobs in several geographical locations when the vacancies aren’t for a specific office location.

Individuals who live in small towns and villages receive more work and career opportunities too. They are no longer restricted to the limited number of jobs that are available at the local businesses in their area.

5. Reduced Costs

Both employees and employers can save money when working remotely.

Employers can eliminate the costs of leasing or buying an office space. They can completely remove utility costs because they no longer need to pay for electricity, water, and physical resources.

For employees, remote working cuts commuting costs and car parking expenses. They won’t need to buy a wardrobe full of smart and professional outfits to wear in the workplace.

Working from home also reduces food-related expenses. Most people who work in an office on a 9 to 5 shift will order food or buy lunch from the local cafe. This can increase weekly spending. Remote workers can make lunch at home every day, which is much cheaper than buying food.