Boost Your Online Sales With These Powerful Networking Tools

By Guest Author | networking online | February 15, 2021

Online marketing is a major and important investment for all businesses, no matter how big or small. The investment isn’t always measured in dollars, but in the time spent and programs or tools used. Today, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of free online marketing tools and aspects of your business you need to focus on.

But why should you focus on these eCommerce tools and what are they? With the many different kinds of networking and marketing tools, it can be confusing narrowing down what you really need.

To help you figure out what you and your business needs, I talk about the importance of eCommerce tools and what you should use. Read on!

Advantages of eCommerce Tools

Creating and owning an eCommerce website is a wise and popular decision when selling with an online product and/or service catalogue. However, take note that the platforms aren’t a utopia, as you still require the right knowledge, skills, and tools to gain success. The goal here is to avoid leaving loose ends on your eCommerce process without it being automated and modernized, along with investing in the right companies and tools like Hobart SEO Expert uses.

With the right eCommerce tools, which are usually free and easy to use, it can provide the following benefits:

— Automating processes, saving time and productivity losses
— Facilitating the launch of omnichannel strategies
— Speeding up the creation and launch of new product and/or service catalogues
— Integrating independent eCommerce processes easily
— Enabling flexible and global communication for improved customer service

Boost Online Sales with These Powerful Networking Tools

With those advantages in mind, it’s high time to begin utilizing eCommerce tools now, right?

Definitely yes, but you wouldn’t want to waste your time using the wrong tools that end up not giving you the success you need based on your business needs and your goals. To prevent you from using the ‘wrong’ tools, here are the ones you should focus on:

1. CRM – Customer Relationship Management

CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, will allow you to centralize your relationship history with customers, so it’s easier to collaborate, communicate, and share info in one platform. This will ensure that your team will address all your customers’ ussies well and that they are satisfied with the attention they received.

There are tools like Salesforce, SAP, or Zoho, which may be a bit pricier for newbies. For those on a budget, you can opt for Pipedrive.

2. Email Marketing

One of the most effective ways to keep in touch with existing customers, as well as to attract new ones, is to have communicative marketing strategies that are tailored to individual needs.

Email marketing is one of them.

You can utilize email marketing to send newsletters with news and promotions that include special and/or personalized discounts. There are free tools to help you out here, such as JangoMail or MailChimp.

3. Social Networks

Another good communicative marketing strategy is by using social networks.

Businesses should publicize their brand and catalog all over their customers’ and target audiences’ favored social networks, using tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to automate posts. Tools can help program your publications, monitor their performances, and even compare your business against the competition on social media.

Furthermore, you can integrate product-sharing buttons on your site and have instant-shopping options from social media platforms like Instagram.

4. Make Your Landing Page Match Your Ad

If you use paid ads with your sales strategy, there’s one small tweak that can increase your conversion rates, skyrocketing your sales.

Rather than split-testing various ads and landing pages, focus on having them correlate. With consistency, users are encouraged to sign up and invest in your offerings.

There are two parts to having your landing page match the ad. The first one is the scent match, with your landing page needing to closely resemble the ad’s layout and color scheme. Then, pay attention to the message, having the same copy and/or focus as the ad.

By keeping your scent and message match aligned closely, it can increase your sales coming through paid ads. Why?

Because people are more comfortable investing in business when they see an alignment with your message and visual branding.

5. Show Trust Icons on the Checkout Page

Building trust is a psychological key to boost your sales. In fact, the numbers show it!

One study from Acquisio showed that 61% of online shoppers opted out of a purchase because the website didn’t have a trust seal. Yes, it is THAT crucial.

There are many ways to instil trust and bring security during your checkout page, with one of them including the signifier of trusts, such as a description of your security and privacy measures. This reassures customers that their information will be safe.

You should also take the step further and have a certified trust seal, which means you are verified by a third-party vendor so you have permission to display that badge. While it does cost money, doing so can boost your sales and the number of completed transactions!

6. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is the updated version of a platform that used to be ‘Google Webmaster Tools’. This is a free service to help monitor how Google finds your website.

This is not essential and if you aren’t registered, it won’t affect your search engine positioning. BUT, it’s a useful tool to understand how Google sees your website. The tool will even send notifications if they detect any issues with your site, along with recommendations on how to fix them.

There are two main ways to divide the tool’s functionalities: Those allowing you to take action to make sure Google accesses your content, and those that will make it easier for businesses to discover how search engines and users search for you.

7. Live Chat

Live Chat can give any eCommerce website and online business the boost it needs, especially today where personal contact meant a lot to customers. Tools like JivoChat can help with this, as you can talk with both new, existing, and potential customers to your website with the proactive in-app support chat.

That way, you can give customers the personalized service they crave for, which increases their customer satisfaction with you. And with happier customers and visitors means more chances of repeat sales and profit! Plus, you can use the information you get from the exchange to know what you can improve on as a business.

Wrapping It Up

Have you created your online store or invested in eCommerce platforms to begin selling your products and/or services? It’s time to invest in the right tools to grow your customer base and grow your business, then. From inventory management to marketing strategies, eCommerce tools offer amazing advantages, so long as you invest in the right one!

I hope that this guide on what networking tools to use showed the importance and what tools to begin using. Take all this information and make sure that you implement a few of them to your next marketing strategies today! Good luck.

Do you have questions or want to share tips and experiences on how to grow our sales as an online business? Share it in the comments section below, I appreciate all advice you can give to fellow marketers!